Enhance control checks and gather data
Enhance control checks and gather data
Superimpose a 3D CAD model onto a real product or use step-by-step digital checklist to discover discrepancies, gather critical information and guide the workforce to standardize a multitude of quality control and assurance workflows.
Quality checks are critical to product delivery, impacting later processes, safety and customer satisfaction. Extended reality can overlay information on the real-world view, aiding inspectors by segmenting the workflow in a step-by-step manner, highlighting areas to check and providing specifications and tolerances directly in their field of view. For example, smart glasses or tablets can display the required dimensions and any deviations when inspecting products.
Empower your inspectors with a comfortable way to gather all necessary data, right from the application in question. Gain numerical values, photos or videos from the control steps immediately into a comprehensive document, or have the data be sent directly into your database.
Quality checks are critical and integral to product delivery, having an enormous impact on subsequent processes, safety and customer satisfaction.
Readily available documentation of steel strips and their condition when loaded on a truck made disputes handling and traceability easier.
Highlighting welding point location and quality directly on the product made inspections faster and easier.
When performing assembly checks, remarkable level of standardization and precision is achieved.
Thanks to real-time guidance, new inspectors become productive faster, freeing up senior inspector’s time.